husITa is delighted to announce the winners of the Best Human Services App Idea Award 2018. The award is designed to support an individual, group, or organization in the idea stage of developing an app that supports the mission of husITa, which is to promote the ethical and effective use of information technology to better serve humanity. Submissions were judged by…
Author: Jimmy Young

The Golden Age of the Internet and social media is over
A little over three years ago I authored a blog post for husITa that detailed a study I conducted on New Media Literacies and Participatory Culture. In that post, and the study it was based on, I talked about the need for new media literacies, social and cultural competencies, and how increasing digital competence relies in part on developing these…

Best Human Services App Idea 2018
husITa is proud to announce our 2018 competition for the award of Best Human Services App Idea. This award is designed to encourage and support the development of innovative ideas for effective human service applications. Our Best App Award is an annual event: in one year the award will be for the best human services app; the next for the…

Social work education twitter chat
To help social work students and educators learn about Twitter and develop the skills to participate in a live chat, Jimmy Young of the California State University San Marcos and Laurel Hitchcock of University of Alabama at Birmingham have designed an assignment for social work students that involves joining a live Twitter chat with other social work students, educators and practitioners…
New media literacies and participatory culture
In this guest blog post, Jimmy Young describes the paper he presented at #husITa14. The paper was selected for inclusion in the special husITa14 issue of the Journal of Technology in Human Services. Social media and digital technologies have revolutionized the way people interact and share information. These same technologies are transforming education in dramatic ways and many scholars have proposed ideas…