Equity in education and use of GIS mapping

Paper to be presented at #husITa16 in Seoul, Korea, 29 June 2016.


Josephine Anthony (Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India).


At the Enactment of the Right to Education Act (RTE) in 2009 the Government of India Pronounced its Legal Obligation to Ensure the Fundamental Right to Education to all Children in India. After the Implementation of RTE, the Number of Children Attending School in India has Increased Incredibly High, however, Millions of Children still Remain Out-of-school. The Effective Implementation of the RTE can Vouch for Securing the Right to Education for All Children. Understanding the Vulnerabilities of Out-of-school Children would Enhance Effective Implementation of this Law. This Paper Emphasizes that the Shared Responsibility of the state and Civil Society is absolutely Imperative in Fulfilling the Right to Education in India. The Paper Utilizes the Case of Maabadi Centres, an Alternate Schooling Programme for Scheduled Tribe Children living in the Remotest Tribal Villages in Rajasthan. The State has been Proactive in working through a Model of Transition Programme, for Young Children of 6-12 Years to Study in this Programme and then Join the Regular School.

However, Children Living in the Interior Hamlets have not been Reached out due to Complete Exclusion from Other Main Hamlets of the Village. Based on a Research Project, this Paper Demonstrates the Use of GIS Mapping in this area that has Opened up Opportunity for Children in this Excluded Community to be Better Captured. Maabadi Centres are Generally Located in Areas that are one Kilometer Away from Regular School in the Vast Village with Sparsely Spread Houses. However, the Research Study has Used GIS Mapping, to Locate all the Hamlets in a Village, and to Show the Most Suitable Hamlet that Deserve to the Facility of Maabadi Centre and Ensure Equity in Education for the Excluded Children.


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