Thank you for taking the time to record your husITa presentation for distribution on our website. If you are accessing this page with a device with a microphone you should be able to record your ten minute presentation using the link below. Use the best microphone you can get your hands on, test that the mike works, then use a copy of your presentation slides to talk through the presentation. You don’t need to introduce yourself or the title of your talk (that will be done textually on the website) just go straight into your talk as if you were speaking directly to the audience.
The system works with recordings of ten minutes each, but don’t feel too pressured by the time limit. If your talk lasts for more than ten minutes just send in the first ten minute recording then make another recording picking up where you left off. The recordings are not posted directly to the husITa website so we can edit and amend if required.
Thank you for taking the time to share your presentation.