As many readers will be aware husITa16 – the 10th international conference of husITa – was held in Seoul, Korea as part of the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development. Over 2,500 delegates from over 80 countries worldwide attended the event. This is the third occasion in which husITa have coordinated the technology subtheme inside the world conference with previous…
Tag: husITa16

husITa16 to be held in Seoul, South Korea as part of SWSD2016
Our next international conference husITa16 will be in held in Seoul, South Korea as part of the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development. husITa will be reviewing and coordinating all symposia, workshops and papers submitted on the subtheme human service technology. Submissions are now open for symposia, workshops and abstracts and a conference discount is available to all member of the husITa mailing…