
Caravan Studios wins husITa best human services app.

The husITa award for the best human services app goes to Caravan Studios (a division of TechSoup Global) for their app Range developed by Marnie Webb. Range is a free app for US youth under 18. Range uses geolocation to identify times and places for free meals when school is out during Summer. It seems shocking that any developed country would need such a service but they do. Congratulations to Marnie and to Caravan Studios for their innovative work in fighting child hunger.

Congratulations also to our runners up ucForward by Ferret Information Systems,  and SafeNight also by Caravan Studios. Thanks to everyone who submitted an entry for your interest, and for your fantastic work in continuing to develop innovative and exciting human service applications.

Thank you for Range Award from Caravan Studios on Vimeo.