husITa is delighted to announce the winners of the Best Human Services App Award for 2020. The award is designed to recognize outstanding software applications (app) that support husITa’s mission, which is promoting the ethical and effective use of information technology to better serve humanity. The award supports an individual, group, or organization to address a human-service problem or personal challenge.…
Category: Apps

Best Human Services App Idea 2018
husITa is proud to announce our 2018 competition for the award of Best Human Services App Idea. This award is designed to encourage and support the development of innovative ideas for effective human service applications. Our Best App Award is an annual event: in one year the award will be for the best human services app; the next for the…

A message from the Best App Award winners
In this short video the winners of the Best Human Services App 2017 explain how they worked together to create their winning app, the wide impact it has had and their plans for future development. Child development Apps 1-3 were developed by Learning Pool in collaboration with the Northern Ireland Social Care Council and the content was authored and updated by Ulster University and…

Best Human Services App Award 2017
husITa is proud to announce the Best Human Services Application Award 2017. This award is designed to encourage and support the development of innovative and effective human service applications. We have decided to make the award an annual event with a different app award each year: one year the award will be for the best human services app; the next for the best…
Best human services app award
Nominations are sought for an individual or organization to receive the husITa Best App Award of $1000. An app is any use of computer or mobile device software to address a human service problem or a personal challenge that requires information technology. Self-nominations are accepted and the nomination process ends on April 20, 2014 (now extended till April 30, 2014). husITa…