Ann Lavan and Gloria Kirwan are delighted to announce the publication of the special conference issue of the Journal of Technology in Human Services. Key highlights of this highly successful conference, held in Dublin, Ireland in 2018, are captured in the content below. Journal of Technology in Human Services Volume 37 Numbers 2–3 April–September 2019 Special Issue: husITa18 International Conference…
Category: Uncategorized

The future of social work: A bibliography
A message from Dr Paul Freddolino I have just begun work on an annotated bibliography for Oxford University Press intended to cover references of all sorts that examine changes – both positive and negative – in the way social work is (and will be) practiced as a result of new and emerging technologies. The search is for research studies if available,…

Vote for five new board members
Members of the husITa mailing list will have now received details of the seven candidates who are standing for election to the husITa Board. Please return your vote by 30th November 2018 for FIVE board members to:

Winners of the Best Human Services App Idea Award 2018
husITa is delighted to announce the winners of the Best Human Services App Idea Award 2018. The award is designed to support an individual, group, or organization in the idea stage of developing an app that supports the mission of husITa, which is to promote the ethical and effective use of information technology to better serve humanity. Submissions were judged by…

The Golden Age of the Internet and social media is over
A little over three years ago I authored a blog post for husITa that detailed a study I conducted on New Media Literacies and Participatory Culture. In that post, and the study it was based on, I talked about the need for new media literacies, social and cultural competencies, and how increasing digital competence relies in part on developing these…

Social welfare benefits and technology
By Gareth Morgan, Vice-Chair of husITa. Almost exactly 30 years ago, the means tested benefit system in the UK underwent a massive change. In April 1988 the previous Supplementary Benefit and associated schemes changed overnight to one called Income Support with, again, other linked ‘income -related‘ schemes. I said overnight, and it was overnight, and it all went very…

Results of 2017 elections to husITa board
The husITa board approved the results of the 2017 husITa ballot, many thanks to the members of our mailing list who selected seven from a slate of ten excellent nominees.

Nominate and vote for six new members of the husITa Board
Election of six new members to the Board of husITa husITa are currently seeking six new members for the husITa board and we invite you to nominate yourself, or to nominate a person whose permission you have secured. The term of office is normally for three years. Board meetings are normally held four times each year and take place using Loomio an…

A message from the Best App Award winners
In this short video the winners of the Best Human Services App 2017 explain how they worked together to create their winning app, the wide impact it has had and their plans for future development. Child development Apps 1-3 were developed by Learning Pool in collaboration with the Northern Ireland Social Care Council and the content was authored and updated by Ulster University and…

Gerontechnology: Great potential, but limited adoption in Hong Kong
This blog post by Wong Yu-Cheung (husITa board member, and Associate Professor in social work at the Chinese University of Hong Kong) explores the opportunities and constraints influencing the adoption of geron-technology in Hong Kong.