husITa is delighted to announce the winners of the Best Human Services App Award 2017. The award recognizes outstanding software applications that support husITa’s mission to promote the ethical and effective use of information technology to better serve humanity. Submissions were judged by a panel of three (two husITa Board Members and one app developer) using a set of seven criteria…
Category: Uncategorized

Introducing electronic clinical social case management in Nigeria
This blog post by Oyinlola Oluwagbemiga (husITa board member, and Senior Medical Social Worker, University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria) describes Oyinlola’s involvement in the introduction of electronic clinical social case management into the Nigerian Health Information Management System (HIMS).

Two new editors for the Journal of Technology in Human Services
husITa is delighted to announce two new editors for our official journal the Journal of Technology in Human Services. Following the resignation of our two most recent editors – Dr. Dale Fitch and Bruce Vieweg – husITa set up a Search Committee and invited proposals for new editors. Many thanks to everyone who took the time to submit a proposal. The Search…

Social work educator’s guide for #SWVirtualPal
This guide explains the hashtag #SWVirtualPal and how you might incorporate it into course content, a class assignment or learning activity. You can also download a PDF version of this guide. The purpose of the #SWVirtualpal hashtag is to create professional connections between social work students, practitioners, and academics across the planet. It was created by Amanda Taylor from the University…

Board election results announced
The husITa board approved the results of the 2016 husITa ballot, many thanks to the 46 members of our mailing list who selected five from a slate of seven excellent nominees, they were spoiled for choice. Congratulations to Gareth Morgan and Yu-Cheung Wong, our existing board members, who have both been elected for a further three-year term. Welcome aboard to three new board members…

Nextdoor: A new type of community building tool needing research.
Community organizing is typically taught in human service programs, especially in social work courses. Social work in the US is rooted in the work of Jane Addams who, in the late 1800s, organized and served a neighborhood community in Chicago. Google “Jane Adams Hull House Chicago maps” to see some of the geographic maps of the neighborhoods she served. Today, with information technology’s embrace of…

Social work education twitter chat
To help social work students and educators learn about Twitter and develop the skills to participate in a live chat, Jimmy Young of the California State University San Marcos and Laurel Hitchcock of University of Alabama at Birmingham have designed an assignment for social work students that involves joining a live Twitter chat with other social work students, educators and practitioners…

husITa history: CUSSN archive released.
We are delighted to announce the release of our digitized archive of the newsletters of the Computer Use in Social Services Network (CUSSN). CUSSN was formed by a group of US human service technology specialists meeting at a Council of Social Work Education conference in Louisville Kentucky in 1981. The contents of the CUSSN newsletters reveal the preoccupations of human service technologists…

Human service technology pioneers project
To mark thirty years of the Journal of Technology in Human Services we decided to organise a husITa pioneers project. Over the coming weeks and months we will post short audio or video tracks interviewing key people who have, for many years, championed the cause of technology in human services.

husITa16 to be held in Seoul, South Korea as part of SWSD2016
Our next international conference husITa16 will be in held in Seoul, South Korea as part of the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development. husITa will be reviewing and coordinating all symposia, workshops and papers submitted on the subtheme human service technology. Submissions are now open for symposia, workshops and abstracts and a conference discount is available to all member of the husITa mailing…