Year in Review, Indefinite Hiatus, & Enhancing New Media Literacies through a Participatory Learning Environment
Author: Jimmy A. Young, PhD
This month’s episode is rather different. I found it challenging to secure a guest for December given that I really only have/had the first two weeks of this month to conduct an interview, and nothing really materialized. Therefore, I took a little personal liberty and decided to give a year-in-review style update and share my own recently published article from the in the Journal of Technology in Human Services titled “Enhancing New Media Literacies of Social Work Students through a Participatory Learning Environment,” which was co-authored with Ryan Ronquillo.
2021 in Review:

Thank you to the Five Followers!!!
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Nearly 40% of our listeners tune in using Google Chrome, followed by 14% using Safari, and 11% using Spotify.

The most downloaded episodes include the interview with Dr. Laura Nissen about Social Work & the Future in a Post COVID world, followed by the interview with Dr. Erica Nason & Dr. Mark Trahan discussing Virtual Reality Treatment & Exposure Therapy, and in third place is the interview with Dr. Walter LaMendola exploring husITa’s past and discussing social work, social technologies, and sustainable community development.
This current episode is one of the shorter ones and so I will not share as much here other than the links to my own blog, New Media Literacies, and Connected Learning. However, I will say that this study on Enhancing New Media Literacies with a Participatory Learning Environment was super fun, really engaging, and left me with hope for the future. I think new media literacies can transform social work education and practice, but we have to start now to shape the future. I also want to share a big thank you to everyone who has supported the Podcast. Be well and Happy New Year.
As usual, I want to note that these blog posts are mainly place holders for any links and information that we thought would be good to share with our audience. The Posts will eventually also be home to the episode transcripts. We welcome any digital volunteers who would like to transcribe the episodes and if you feel so inclined, please reach out to us via our Contact page or on social media. Let us know if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions. Finally, a programming note that the husITa podcast will be on hiatus indefinitely as I am taking a break to focus on some other opportunities. I may help produce episodes in the future so it’s not goodbye, just so long for now.
Links of Interest:
Participatory Culture and Web 2.0: Brining New Media Literacies to Social Work Education
Connected Learning: An Agenda for Research and Design
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APA (7th Ed) citation for this podcast:
Young, J. A. (Producer). (2021, December 22). #13 – Year in Review, Indefinite Hiatus, & Enhancing New Media Literacies through a Participatory Learning Environment. [Audio Podcast]. husITa Podcast. Retrieved from