Call for Proposals HUman Services Information Technology Applications (husITa) seeks an individual or team to serve as the new editor(s) for the Journal of Technology in Human Services (JTHS). We seek an editor, or editors, who have a demonstrated commitment to the mission of husITa, the aims and scope of the JTHS, and experience with editorial functions or roles (e.g.…

husITa18 to be held in Dublin, Ireland
We are delighted to announce that husITa will organise a human service technology stream at the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development (SWSD2018) to be held at the Royal Dublin Society, Dublin, Ireland from 4th-7th July, 2018. SWSD2018 is organised by a joint committee, representing the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW), the International Council…

Board election results announced
The husITa board approved the results of the 2016 husITa ballot, many thanks to the 46 members of our mailing list who selected five from a slate of seven excellent nominees, they were spoiled for choice. Congratulations to Gareth Morgan and Yu-Cheung Wong, our existing board members, who have both been elected for a further three-year term. Welcome aboard to three new board members…

Nominate and vote for five new members of the husITa board
Election of five new members to the Board of husITa husITa are currently seeking five new members for the husITa board and we invite you to self nominate or nominate a person whose permission you have secured. The person nominated must be, or become, a member of husITa mailing list. Election process Nominations can be made between 01 November16 and 28…

Reflecting on husITa16
As many readers will be aware husITa16 – the 10th international conference of husITa – was held in Seoul, Korea as part of the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development. Over 2,500 delegates from over 80 countries worldwide attended the event. This is the third occasion in which husITa have coordinated the technology subtheme inside the world conference with previous…

mSakhi and Swasthya Slate: User friendly digital communication tools for community health workers.
It is a well-known fact that the health of a person depends on where he/she lives. Access to health care services for poor individuals living in disadvantaged communities is a global problem spanning both developing and developed nations. Be it the slums of Nairobi, the densely populated low income communities of East Los Angeles or the remote tribal villages of…

Smartphones and parenting
Yu-cheung Wong from the Chinese University of Hong Kong introduces the paper he will be discussing at husITa16. The rise of the permanently connected smartphone has made parental supervision of children’s Internet use almost impossible. In Hong Kong, a city where ICT infrastructure is well-developed and smartphone use very affordable, almost all (98%) school children aged 14-17 have a smartphone. Ownership among…

Nextdoor: A new type of community building tool needing research.
Community organizing is typically taught in human service programs, especially in social work courses. Social work in the US is rooted in the work of Jane Addams who, in the late 1800s, organized and served a neighborhood community in Chicago. Google “Jane Adams Hull House Chicago maps” to see some of the geographic maps of the neighborhoods she served. Today, with information technology’s embrace of…

Thoughts on the Grand Challenges paper: “Practice Innovation through Technology in the Digital Age: A Grand Challenge for Social Work”
This blog post briefly reviews the concept of Grand Challenges in Social Work and summarizes the working paper, “Practice Innovation through Technology in the Digital Age: A Grand Challenge for Social Work,” which is one of two papers that explore the Grand Challenge, “Harnessing Technology for Social Good.” In 2014 the American Academy of Social Work & Social Welfare (AASWSW)…

Social work education twitter chat
To help social work students and educators learn about Twitter and develop the skills to participate in a live chat, Jimmy Young of the California State University San Marcos and Laurel Hitchcock of University of Alabama at Birmingham have designed an assignment for social work students that involves joining a live Twitter chat with other social work students, educators and practitioners…